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  • 1 Can Leaders ensure Productivity while being compassionate ?

    In our Strategic Leadership advice we stromgly recommend and ensure integration of business and compassion. One can do both simuulateneously with a proper guidance. 

  • 2 How long a typical coaching process takes?

    There are different models vailable. We recommend a period of 26 weeks, 

  • 3 What is GIG

    Its a form of manpower deployment. Based on the organisational needs, service providers or the resources themselves will take up assignments : short term, fixed time. flexible time, a few days a week or a few hours a day etc . This intendfs to provide agility, flexibility and cost davantage to the organisation and flexibility to the resources. 

  • 4 Will the L&D continue online in future too ?

    Everyone has seen the benefits of the digital formats. At the same, there is a feedabck that both the Trainers and the particioants are missing out a few critical experiences that were available in inperson programmes. Organisation  will go a hybrid model in future

  • 5 How does one manage Workplace Synergy in a remote working

    The Managers ( both Line and HR) have to focus on providing infrastructure, revised policies, engagement activities etc to ensure smooth workflow. For ensuring Synergy, the Managers have to use Digitlisation for engagement, introduce regular communication, create google updates, introduce small group interaction, chats, brainstorming sessions, joint training programmes etc. 

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